Troubleshooting the UI

Grails Error on First Login

This is expected and can be ignored. The error will resolve once a new user email is successfully submitted to the UI.

Attempting to Initialize Shows “Missing Configuration” Error

Sometimes attempting to initialized will show the “Missing Configuration” error. This is likely because the user has entered their email address and pressed [ enter ]. This action will throw the above error every time. The user must *click* the “Save & Write Configuration to Storage” button for the email to be correctly saved. Until the email is successfully saved the UI will remain un-initialized and the user will not be able to proceed.

“Sync Options” fields required when creating a new sync

These fields are not intended to be required. This is a documented bug in 3.1 that will be addressed in 3.1.1. The problem shows up when using Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox browsers. To get around this show *all* advanced options fields and enter [space] into each of the empty fields. Doing this will allow the user to submit a new sync.

Unexplained CAS object failures

If you cannot find an explanation for CAS object failures, try turning on CAS SDK logging, which may provide additional info.